Dunkleosteus terrrelli
After a recent conference trip, I would like to thank the following for their enthusiasm towards palaeontology.
Lucy Leahey and Steve Salisbury, The University of Queensland. www.uq.edu.au/dinosaurs
Stephen J. Godfrey and Yasemin Tulu, Calvert Marine Museum.
Denny Diveley, John Maisey, Jennifer Lane, AMNH.
Amelia May, Research Casting International. www.rescast.com
Alison Murray, University of Alberta
Bill and Jane Murray, Paleo tools.
Christopher Shaw, La Brea Tar Pits.
Tracie Bennitt, Triebold Palaeontology, Inc.
Allan Langheinrich, Langs Fossils.
Ben Matzen, GANDA.
John Scott Lucas, Phil Fraley Productions, Inc.