Part of the Jurassic Coast near Charmouth showing
the grey rock where you find the fossils.
A Large Ammonite on the Beach
Dapedum Fish found in the Lyme area.
Ammonite Pavement on Mounmoth Beach
Well arriving in London the other day, our first port of call was Lyme Regis / Charmouth and the Jurassic Coast. Lyme Regis is a typical English town with stone cobble pathways, and four fossil shops!!
The Cliffs along the beach front in this area are about 200 Million Years Old and originate from the Jurassic Period, I guess hence the name "Jurassic Coast".
On Monumoth Beach there is a large Ammonite grave yard with ten of thasond Ammonites. In the other direction toward Charmouth you can find pyritied Ammonites.
Over all, we really wanted to find a Ichthyosaur, but we only found 2 vertebrae, I guess better luck next time.
As the Jurassic Coast is a World Heritage Area, NO hamering of the cliffs is permitted. Because the cliffs are unstable visitors are advisted to keep at least 8 metres away from the cliffs.