Lark Quarry is certainly worth the visit - its about 120 kilometers over unsealed road - but certainly a trip one in a life time to experience an event that happened 98 Million Years Ago.
Rod is part of The geological team at Anglo Gold Ashanti. He is a graduate of the Television Presenting Course at Tv Pro Global, has a Bachelor of Arts and Science in Natural History, Culture and Museum Studies from Macquarie University, along with a Bachelor of Science honours in Zoology from The University of Queensland, and currently working on a Masters of Museum Studies.
Since graduating, Rod has presented across the world at various palaeontological conferences, and has a few peer reviewed science articles in the process of being published.
Rod enjoys all aspects of outdoor life – the more action packed the better.
His current projects include researching Australian Mesozoic Fishes and acid etching of fossil marine limestones from North Queensland.